Before applying
We are looking for staff who is able and would like to work, ambitious, can develop further and has graduated.
We would like to ask everyone to read the job offer carefully before applying. Please don't contact us if you don't have the required skills.
The job requires a serious attitude, dedication, high precision, dealing with heavy load and a technical viewpoint. Because we are the leading repair center in Hungary, our staff work very hard during work hours.
For this, we offer competitive salaries, a nice workplace, a perspective to develop and go further for those whom have the required ambitions and experience.
A basic requirement for those who apply is to be able to work in a team, follow instructions and can make responsible decisions. We are open on the weekends too, so the work schedule is flexible, everyone has a chance to rest, with taking into account the choices of the rest of the team.
The salary is set based on the performance, knowledge and load-bearing shown during the trial period, after that, it follows the progress of the individual.
We can't work with undisciplined individuals, who can't function as part of a team. We can only do our jobs if everyone in the team does theirs - if someone shirks his responsibilities, they would make the rest of the team's work more difficult.