Display replacement for all iPhone at reduced prices!

This year's seasonal display replacement offer starts earlier than usual this year part of our recovery plan.

iPhone 6, 6 Plus szerviz

Hungary’s leading iPhone repair centre.
Trusted, effective team. Fast and precise work.

  • Most issues get fixed within 1 hour

  • 6 months warranty

  • Highly qualified technicians

  • Friendly customer service

  • Buying and selling used products

We use the best available screens on the market.

  • On the spot repairs with high quality parts.

  • Best available screen/parts on the market.

  • Expert team, most trusted iPhone repair centre.

  • More than 150,000 repairs to date.

  • We repair the most iPhones in Hungary!

  • Buying and selling used products.

At iSamurai we have the knowledge, the expertise and the equipment to make sure your iPhone gets the best attention possible on the spot with years of experience at best price!

How to know if your iPhone battery needs to be replaced?

Battery replacements are among the most common repairs. The majority of the battery issues are with two-year-old phones however we also receive high volumes of older iPhones as well (4-5 years of usage).

The iPhone packs an estimated 500 battery cycles before it starts to degrade, meaning if you own your phone for two or more years, you will have charged enough battery cycles to degrade the battery to just 80% of its full capacity.
Generally speaking this is the time when a battery replacement could be favourable.

There are a few other ways to tell that your iPhone battery might need to be replaced:

  • If your iPhone shuts down suddenly in cold weather conditions – in the winter we usually repair higher volumes.
  • If the battery is swollen – immediate action should be taken to prevent further issues.
  • If your iPhone unexpectedly turns off when remaining battery charge is 10% or above – it might be time for a new battery.
  • If your iPhone only works plugged in, you guessed it – replace the battery.


Purchasing Apple devices

With fair prices, you'll get paid instantly in cash after trading in your iPhone!
For more details and prices please contact us via phone, email or in person.